As the colder nights creep in,
Starchild has been reflecting on just how far we have come this year. It was another busy season for Starchild.

As you can see The Sunflower Sanctuary reached new heights!
Sadly, we have had to stop construction again while we raise more funds. Starchild is well aware of the financial struggles globally right now. The cost of materials and gas in Uganda also increased dramatically. Few could have predicted this global crisis, but we must go forward in faith. We continue to witness the newfound inclusion in the community and the tremendous development of these people now being accepted and treated as part of the local community. We know the huge impact this sanctuary will have on those with severe autism and disabilities, and I know in my heart we will get this holistic center of healing completed by the end of the year and continue to find the light in every child.
The disabled, autistic community are very excited about The Sunflower Sanctuary project. They can see it’s real and they will eventually have a place to call their own. Meanwhile, they continue to meet as a group, support each other and watch the development of The Sunflower Sanctuary. Any help you can offer would be so greatly appreciated.