Art heals wounds and can promote understanding and peace.
Not all children are academically inclined. Sadly many, who are not, are classed as having learning difficulties and can be easily pushed aside in favour of the more academically inclined child. Such children often feel isolated, lonely and become depressed. Very often, based in the heart of these children is an ‘artist’ or a talent that is screaming to come out. Without the opportunity to express this artistic nature, the talent can lay dormant, leading to anger and frustration being vented on the world, rather than the beauty that is trapped inside.
Such children often feel that they have little or no hope of making a living because they are not so good at the three R’s and therefore feel of little use to society. With a good art program in place, these children can begin to get back some much-needed self-esteem and realise that they are of just as much value to society as a Doctor or a Lawyer.
We believe that the School for Creative Arts Centre in Uganda will attract support and interest from artists and festivals across Europe, North America and Australia . The power of arts to communicate, inspire and heal is now widely recognised.
Starchild believes that our school can have a significant impact on the lives of those it touches. International artists will learn a great deal from the Ugandan Arts and Culture which is encouraged and promoted through this program. It will attract the attention of the international community, and as a result, encourage artists from all walks of life to visit the centre, participate and inspire the children.
Starchild has artists ready and willing to work with the children, and this network could snowball quickly. As part of an artist residency at the school, they will not only present to local people, but also be taking back to the West what they have learned, building understanding and, in part, acting as ambassadors of peace and healing through the arts. If you are interested in visiting the school or working there in any capacity, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you and we love visitors.
‘Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life’
Pablo Picasso
latest images from
School of creative arts

See the video of the opening of our Starchild School for Creative Arts

SCHOOL FOR CREATIVE ARTS Finding the Star in Every Child
Starchild’s commitment to providing a School for Creative Arts in Uganda has paid off! We are delighted to say that we made the dream a reality. We now have over 110 children learning creative arts in our school. It is also open to the local community on a Saturday. Twinned with Grace primary school in Vvumba, the school inspires children and the local community every day.